Weehawken house
Design Year: 2015
Type: Private House
Location: Weehawken, NJ
Gross floor area: 10,500 sf
Project Status: proposal
The building site is a steeply inclined hillside, overlooking the Hudson River. The client’s wish is to demolish their old house and to build in place a new modern-look house for their three generations to live in.
The client would live on the ground floor, the son’s family would live on the first floor, the daughter’s family live on second floor, and the basement floor is an entertainment room and swimming pool for all.
The bottom part -- basement and ground floor -- follows the existing topography. However, the upper part -- first floor, second floor, and roof -- is pulled out to maximize the interior space and make the plan layout work better.
The east façade opens up with large glass to maximize the Manhattan view while the south& north façade is a bit more closed gesture with main entrance, staircase, elevator shaft and solid walls. The overhangs help to protect strong sunlight during the summer and rain at entrance doors.